Laiba Malik

Country: INDIA

State: Delhi

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Personal Deatils

  • User Name
    :Laiba Malik
  • Contact No
    : Locked
  • Study Class / Courses
    :Nursery to kg, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
  • Subjects
    :English, Hindi, maths, science, EVs, punjabi
  • Study Board
  • Charges Afford
    :1000-1500 p/m
  • Study Mode
  • Experince
    :4 to 5 YEARS
  • Qualification
    :Graduated, ntt, pursuing maters
  • State
  • Locality gali dakotan turkman gate delhi
  • Profile Type