Ira Pandey

Country: INDIA

State: Chhattisgarh

Contact No: Locked

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Personal Deatils

  • User Name
    :Ira Pandey
  • Contact No
    : Locked
  • Study Class / Courses
    :Grade 6, school - mm school raipur
  • Subjects
    :all subjects
  • Study Board
  • Charges Afford
    :2500-3000 per month
  • Study Mode
  • State
  • Locality
    :azad chowk Raipur
  • Profile Type
  • Attention
    :Tuitions teacher will never call and ask you to scan QR code share OTP for bank account details for any transaction you should never share your OTP bank details with anyone or even Tuitions teacher users as this may lead to financial fraud. Stay alert, stay save Team Tuitions Teacher